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The Maritime Relational Gathering was held May 31st - June 1st and was extended into Sunday, June 2nd.

Our keynote speakers were Pastor Bill Annis and Arthur Meintjes. Arthur and his wife Cathy are the founders of Kingdom Life Ministry. Arthur also serves on the Adjunct Faculty at Charis Bible College in Colorado.

Pastor Bill opened the Gathering with a must hear message of no separation between God and man. John 14:20, “At that day ye shall know that I [am] in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you in you.” Arthur continued on the same revelation emphasizing that God chose us in Him before creation. That we are in fact the inspiration for the cosmos

Family is at the heart of FCF and as always it was awesome to be "with" family. We spend so much of our time on "what" God has called us to do. However, I can't help but think that who you get to do that "with" is of equal importance.

Most of the FCF family from both NB and NS were present.  A highlight of the weekend was to celebrate Pastor Caroline Barclay as she received her Ministerial License Credential.

Pastor Shawn Annis Chief Operations Officer, FCF Canada

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Oct 24, 2021

Great post thannks

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