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Updated: Jun 12, 2019

I had the privilege of preaching from East to West across Canada as well as various places around the world in 2014. 

The Holy Spirit mandated the message that I was to deliver each and every time I ministered. Many of you have heard me teach and illustrate the following verse.  In fact, it has become my signature message.

John 14:20 “At that day ye shall know that I (am) in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you”.

No more separation between God and man. Jesus and the Father are one, but we are one with God as well. Jesus is in the Father, you are in Jesus, and Jesus is in you. What a powerful presentation of God and man being reconciled to the point of becoming one!

I have come to understand that this is bringing about the greatest manifestation of Jesus the world has ever known. 

Based on this truth, the only response to persons, situations or events is Jesus Christ. We have been ‘taken over’. By this I mean that the very God Himself has made us His habitation. We are no longer trying to live a life style to please Him, but rather He is living His life through us…Jesus in manifestation.

A part of the prophetic word that we received for this year confirmed this powerful truth. You can listen to the complete word by clicking here

“I have taken you over so rest in My hands                                                   I have taken you over so be secure in My plans                                                                                                         I have taken you over so step into My will                                                                                                                So come on, come on, pick up the beat                                                                                                                     March with Me, we will make it still                                                                                                     I’ve taken you over                                                                                                                          It’s no longer you struggling to get to Me                                                                                           I’ve taken you over                                                                                                                                    Can’t you see I’ve come to thee                                                                                                               I’ve taken you over and PUT YOU IN ME                                                                                                  We are joined with the Father                                                                                                                         We have been set free, so rejoice!”

-Pastor Bill Annis

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