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Scriptures tell us that the man Jesus was the fullness of God in expression. If we want to know our true nature and being we just need to meditate on the life of Jesus and realize we also are the fullness of God in expression. In our humanity we may not be perfect but our true being is. We must stop trying to adjust our human nature and just begin to live from our true nature which is love. Eph 1:22-23 And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church], Which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself]. AMP When our consciousness is raised and we begin to see the truth of our being we then begin to live the life of love expressed. This year of 2013, the year of great grace, is the beginning of a greater awakening to that life that we all are. We are God in manifestation. This truth will change the world and bring the kingdom into manifestation. I am so excited to see this taking place all over the world. We have said for years that we are the body of Christ and NOW the reality of that is dawning within us. Can the body be any less than the head? We are one body and one voice on the earth. The voice of God is as the sounding of many waters in the book of Revelation. We each have a well of living water flowing from our being. When we speak as the song says “All heaven stands to listen.” What we speak is so important as it creates our destiny. If we believe the word we will speak the word and as we speak what God says we will experience that which we speak. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. For to long we have spoken defeat and failure not realizing our words lock us in a prison of unbelief. By the words we speak we can unlock the prison of our carnal mind and begin to live as love expressed. By us living consciously in the presence of God and releasing the flow of life we will build up the Body of Christ and set the captives free. What a wonderful life we now have when we make the decision to live this life of love. Knowing Jesus loves us is the source of our love for one another this is the true pathway to an abundant life. Col 2:8-10 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And you are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. The scripture above describes what has happened to most of us. Mainly through the tradition of men we have been deceived away from the reality of Christ. Jesus was man's God on earth and is now Gods man in the heavens ,and we are complete in Christ which is the true nature of our being. Being complete in Christ means that we are the expression of Christ on this earth. As we live from our spirit God lives in us and expresses love, light and life which is the substance and source of all life. As love, light and life begin to be expressed in us all carnality and darkness flee from us. We have the mind of Christ. We are the Body of Christ, the Church of the living God. The Church is only that which comes out of what God has put within you. It has nothing to do with our carnal religious thinking. We are already complete in Christ but will never be complete by religious thinking and practices. The only reason we don't come into the experiential walk and knowledge of these things, is because we listen to the mind-traffic that goes through the mind rather than the Spirit of God that flows in the deepest part of our being.

-Pastor Bill Annis, FCF Canada

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