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Isaiah 26:3 (KJV)  3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace:  “Perfect” is not in the Hebrew text, it is there as “peace, peace”; doubled to denote the certainty of it, the enjoyment of it, and the consistency and continuation of it. Perfect peace is perpetual peace or peace upon peace. This is the fruit and effect of His righteousness being received by faith (the resting of ones mind in and upon who He is). This peace is true, real and solid in which sense the word “perfect” is used.  Whose mind is stayed on thee:  A rendered mind (thoughts, imaginations, devices). A rendered mind moves beyond its own ability to have faith and looks to the one who is perfect power, perfect love, the one who is faith and is life; the Lord Jesus. A mind supported by God (there is no other support but that). A mind “fixed” on the love of God, rooted and grounded in that love, firmly persuaded in it, and that nothing can separate that mind from that love. A mind supported and fixed not on ones own faithfulness but on the faithfulness and power of God. Because he trusteth in thee.   Not in self, not in ones own faith or ability, not in their own righteousness, not in their own hearts: only in the Lord Jesus Christ, only in the Word of the Lord, that is, Christ. 2013 Look To Jesus  2013 is the year the mighty God and everlasting Father will be revealed in Christ Jesus to and for all people. This is the year the church will return its focus to the Savior of men and lay the stress of their salvation on Him; upon His righteousness, for their justification; upon His blood and sacrifice, for atonement, pardon, and cleansing; on His fulness, for the supply of their wants; on His person, for their acceptance with God; and on His power, for their protection and preservation. 2013 is the year of the revelation of our Lord Jesus and with the Lord Jesus as the central attraction of the church the gates of our cities will be opened. A harvest of souls will be joined to the Lord. -Shawn Annis

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